2 min read
11 Feb

Hola! We had a wonderful few months in Vancouver and now back to Curandera. But we wondered if we'd ever get here. Canada implemented a last minute ban on flights to Mexico. We had to cancel our flight and drive across the border to Seattle and fly out from there. Only problem is there isn't a airline that accepts "emotional support" animals (wink). Murf was scheduled for cargo. We bought the airline carrier and we were ready. We barely got across the border (took an hour, a long story) when Alaskan called to tell us there was an embargo on pet cargo due to the cold temperatures and anticipated snow storm (Seattle isn't used to snow). The embargo was for three days. But we had already crossed the border and couldn't go back due to the 14 day quarantine. We didn't  have much for luggage and pretty much the clothes on our back, which was a thin windbreaker and a sweater for Darryn (we travel light when going back and forth). We had to make the best of it in one of our favorite cities during a snow storm! 

Checked in at the dog friendly Maxwell Hotel (otherwise known as the Pineapple) near Capitol Hill. Went to REI to get a few basics for the storm. Weekend activities included the Space Needle (see main picture on this post), Von's 1000 Spirits (great smoky old fashioneds), and we played in the snow with Murf. It was fun to see people snowboarding and skiing down the streets! It was Murf's birthday on Valentines Day on Sunday so we did our best to make it special with snow play and treats! Kept checking the embargo dates and it still said 12th-14th so we went to bed early, set the alarm, and had faith that our 8:00 am flight was going to happen. 

Woke up, got ready, and checked the Alaskan website one more time. No!!! They changed it to the 15th! We can't possibly stay here another day with such limited supplies and another hotel night. Plus my daughter Paige had a flight to visit us which she already delayed by a day and was flying in today as well. We decide to go to the airport and plead our case for emotional support even though they don't offer it any longer (they allow it for trips booked before Jan 11th for travel before Feb 28th). Previous to this the airline refused. Maybe they will have sympathy for our situation? We had an SUV reserved to bring us to the airport (a dog carrier doesn't fit in an Uber) so we decided to  give it a try. I was very nervous as I made my way to the counter with Murf. I explained my situation and the agent said she needed to talk to a manager (I was calm, no Karen tactics here!). The manager came back with a "no we're sorry" but I continued to beg and took out my emotional support papers for proof. Eventually after about 30 minutes they said YES! Woo hoo! Murf's on the flight! Maybe I actually do need support?

Fun in the snow in Capitol Hill ...

Got to San Jose and had a great time getting back to the boat and spending time with Paige. We  went to our favorite Farm to Table Restaurant called Acre, went to downtown San Jose and made it to our favorite brewery, Baja Brewing Co., went to the beach, kayaked, enjoyed the sunrises and sunsets, went into downtown Cabo, ate lunch at the Waldorf (absolutely stunning place!). Paige left Thursday and we had almost a week to hang out, clean up the boat, do errands to stock up for the trip up the Sea of Cortez. Waiting for a weather window as wind is an issue when you are on the ocean. Can't wait! 

Baja Brewery in San Jose...

Kayaking to the beach...

Lunch at the Waldorf in Downtown Cabo...

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