1 min read
16 Sep

We left in the late afternoon of Sept. 11th. We added another crew member, Assen from San Diego, so we could all get rest on the 24/7 journey to California. We are currently on the voyage and the conditions have been great. We had one stop in Coos Bay, a gritty fishing village in Oregon, due to avoidance of some weather. Likely no stops the remainder of the trip. It is a wonderful experience being out on the open ocean, usually 4-8 miles off the coast. The beginning of the trip was foggy and smoky from the CA forest fires. But it eventually cleared up and here we are on day 5 and have been whale watching all morning! We saw dolphins on our way out earlier in the trip. I am getting used the the swells, which are nothing for Darryn and Assen but Murf and I struggle a bit. Murf still is adjusting to going potty on the back deck of the boat, she has been going about once a day :(  Five more days to go!

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