1 min read
02 Nov

It was a full day on the water from San Diego to Ensenada. Calm seas. It took 2-1/2 hours to complete paperwork to get ourselves and our boat into the country once we arrived. Murf breezed through without a question :) We are here with many other Nordhavn owners, as there was a Nordhavn party here on Tuesday at a winery on the hillside. Many years ago an Italian man met a Mexican woman in Paris and it was love at first site. They moved to Italy for most of their years together and decide to retire in Ensenada, her home town, to start a winery. This couple gave us the tour, their winery was breathtaking and the wine was great!  Evidently Ensenada produces great wines and is the wine capitol of Mexico. We had dinner there too and live music. It was a great opportunity to meet other like minded people that do this crazy boating thing! ;)

We explored the city a bit by bike the next day, and spent some time getting to know a few more couples for a happy hour on one of the boats that evening. We plan to cruise to Cabo with them on Tuesday. We are waiting out some weather so we have been here about a week. We hiked through a neighborhood on the hillside and up a steep hill overlooking the marina (see main picture on this post). The marina is on the smaller side and it is connected to a resort which sadly doesn't have many guests due to COVID. Ensenada is a bit rough around the edges but we are finding some little gems hidden away. Today after our hike we found a juice bar/cafe that had awesome healthy food! They sell fresh organic produce as well which is a relief, because the grocery stores have a very dismal produce selection and what they do have is not very fresh :(   Murf was with us and visited with the cafe's small black cat. Probably the cutest little cat I had ever seen! We found out it was stray and had been living there a few months and now has a family that will adopt it. Murf didn't know what to think of it. Speaking of animals, there are a lot of stray dogs here in Mexico. We saw one little one almost get run over as it ran through traffic. A few strays have befriended Murf on our walks. And we saw some wild dogs in a empty lot that looked a little scary! 

We have enjoyed some good restaurants here with our new Nordhavn friends from Seacret and Last Arrow. We found a cool brewery walking distance from our marina that had a great IPA and ceviche. Yesterday  went to the local Costco and I  was surprised how similar it was to the ones in the U.S and Canada. We have a lot of things to do as we are leaving at midnight tonight for our 5 day cruise to Cabo! 

Wine tour...

Hike overlooking the marina...

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