4 min read
05 Aug

I have to admit, I didn't know much about Maryland. Sure, we all know it is one of the oldest states as our forefathers settled here back in the 17th century, but what else is it known for? Well I have to say, it didn't disappoint! Baltimore and Annapolis both have their own charm, and we loved both cities. There's more to this place than "Old Bay" seasoning! (although it's pretty damn good)

Here is the lowdown...


Fun facts about Annapolis...it is the second oldest city in the US (behind St. Augustine, FL which was covered in our Florida post), it was the temporary national capitol of the US from 1783-1784, the home of the US Naval Academy (est. 1845) and the sailing capital of the US. It is a beautiful town, so historic and charming! We visited the Maryland State House, where Wes Moore works as the new governor.  The governor's mansion is right across the street. The Maryland State House is the oldest state capitol and is the only state house ever to have served as the nation's capitol. General George Washington resigned his commission as commander of the Continental Army here. The Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris of 1783, ending the American Revolutionary War here as well. Interesting history! And we were in the very rooms!

The town has cobblestone streets and old brownstone row houses. The historic flair is preserved, and some of the bars and restaurants are in original buildings from the 17th century. The town is right on the Chesapeake Bay and it's identity is definitely water related with the Naval Academy base and all of the marinas and boats! This city is also known for its live music scene. We did partake as we found a duo we really liked at breakfast one day, and followed them to their gig the following night...Rachel and the Rescues! 

Maryland State House (MD Capitol) - Annapolis     

The narrow alleys of Annapolis

Old clock and charming streets - Annapolis

Annapolis architecture     

Annapolis Mural

Rachel & The Rescues (in the background) - great local band!

Galway Bay Pub Annapolis - A Guinness Blonde and some curry fries!


4 days and 4 nights spent in gritty but cool Baltimore, most of our time by the sea wall. We stayed at Anchorage Marina, in the Northwest Harbor near Canton and Fells Point, two very cool areas. The entire waterfront was a walkway/bike path, with updated condos mixed in with historic old brick buildings. We used our bikes daily to cruise the waterfront. Fells Point was an especially neat area with lots of restaurants and pubs. One day we ventured to Mount Vernon on our bikes and we saw the grittier part of the city on our way there. But once we arrived we visited the Washington Monument, a bit different than the one in DC but every bit as cool! Both were designed by Robert Mills but this one was completed in 1829 to honor our first president who lived here much of his adult life. We decided to climb the 227 steps up the 178 ft tall monument to see the beautiful views of the city and the statue of him on the top! Francis Scott Key, author of the Star Spangled Banner, also lived in Baltimore and wrote the US national anthem here.

Our last two nights in Baltimore were really fun. We went to an excellent restaurant called Alma Latina Cocina, owned and run by a family from Venezuela. It was one of the best restaurants we have eaten at in a long time! The last night we went to Camden Yards for an Orioles Game...they beat the Mets 10-3. It was a great game and Camden Yards was one of the nicest baseball fields we have experienced. The energy in the stadium was really lively and cool! And we finally had our crab cake! (Well a crab cake sandwich, not quite the same) Can't leave Maryland without having a crab cake! 

Typical charming street in Fells Point, Maryland (Baltimore)

Biking the seawall in Baltimore

Historic buildings and boat on the Baltimore seawall

Baltimore Washington Monument - 227 steps up to the top! 

View from the top of the Washington Monument

Mount Vernon United Methodist Church, founded in 1843

Orioles game - Camden Yards

Only three more states and our east coast adventure heading north will be completed! Stay tuned! 

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